Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Introduction and TASK 1

Asalaamu Alaykum,

Thank you for taking up this challenge about slowly introducing Quran into your daily routine, increasing it and seeing the benefits. :)

Many of you have provided various examples why you listen to less Quran and more music, these are either because:

1) Something personal has happened in your life that you cannot get over

2) You are going through a period in your life which you are finding difficult and the music is comforting you

3) You have tried listening to more Quran but keep switching to music instead

4) Listening to music makes you part of the group you mingle with

5) Music gives you a boost or adrenaline

These are just some of the few examples

Ok, so here it is the challenge will start of with a small task for the next 3 days we request you do the following:

* Make the following Du’a to Allah to make you successful in this task you have chosen 


* Every night listen to Surah Al Yusuf By Khaled Juhaym - When doing this you must be remember to be in a place where you will not be disturbed, before you go to sleep, but not when you are sleepy, do wudhu to make you awake, alert and aware. If you cant access your pc you can listen to the surah on you tube, remember if you are going to do the challenge you must make the effort. Be attentive to the sound of Quran and feel the glorious words.

Last but not least, the task may seem difficult but remember nothing is impossible with the help of Allah swt make your correct Neiyah Insha Allah, link to the surah is below.


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